CaRdiotoxicitY and Second cancer risk after Treatment of Aggressive B cell non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (CRYSTAL)

Due to the historically less favorable prognosis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the occurrence of late adverse treatment effects, such as cardiovascular diseases and second malignancies, has been far less studied in DLBCL survivors than, for instance, among Hodgkin lymphoma survivors. In order to assess the influence of treatment on long term risk of cardiovascular diseases and second malignancies, and to identify risk factors for the occurrence of these late adverse treatment effects, we have designed the CRYSTAL cohort study. The CRYSTAL cohort is a large hospital-based multicenter cohort of five-year DLBCL survivors treated at ages 15-60 years with radiotherapy and/or immuno-chemotherapy between 1989 and 2012. Data has been collected from medical records, by sending questionnaires to general practitioners and through linkage with disease registry systems such as the Netherlands Cancer Registry, Dutch Hospital Data and Statistics Netherlands. Better identification of DLBCL patients at increased risk of treatment-related long term effects will allow more personalized screening recommendations, medical interventions and prevention efforts, and will advance follow-up care at the BETER clinics. The project is funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF)

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