In our lab blog, members of our lab give updates of ongoing projects. Some of these projects are very new, and it may take a few years before they actually result in published papers. Have a look at these exciting new projects, and contact us if you work on something related!
All of our primary research manuscripts are available from the BioRxiv pre-print server as soon as we submit them to a peer-reviewed journal.
We make datasets and code described in our papers (including unpublished manuscripts in BioRxiv) available through public repositories such as GEO, OSF, and Github. Accessions are listed in our manuscripts and papers.
As members of the 4DNucleome project, we release various unpublished datasets through the 4DN portal, for everyone to use and explore.
We are working towards releasing our lab notebooks documenting the experiments that we have done. It takes some time to realize this as a standard practice, but our first notebook digests can be found on OSF.
When reviewing manuscripts for journals, Bas van Steensel discloses his identity to the authors, regardless of his recommendations.