B-myb rescues ras-induced premature senescence, which requires its transactivation domain.


B-myb, a ubiquitously expressed member of the myb gene family, is highly regulated throughout the cell cycle and appears to be required for cell cycle progression. In contrast to its relatives A-myb, c-myb, and v-myb, no transforming activity of B-myb has been reported thus far. We report here that B-myb can rescue senescence induced by an activated ras oncogene in rodent cells in vitro. We show that transformation by B-Myb involves its ability to activate transcription. Similar to other oncogenic transcription factors, such as c-Myc and E2F, we show that B-Myb also has repression activity. We demonstrate that the C-terminus of B-Myb can function as a repressor of transcription, that B-Myb interacts with the repressor molecules BS69 and N-CoR and that the repression function, like the transactivation domain, contributes to B-myb transformation.

More about this publication

Cancer letters
  • Volume 171
  • Issue nr. 1
  • Pages 87-101
  • Publication date 28-09-2001

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