One hundred ninety-one patients who had ALND after neoadjuvant chemotherapy were compared with 192 patients with primary ALND after a positive sentinel node biopsy.
Our results show the feasibility and need to remove enough lymph nodes to provide precise prognostic information and adequate local control.
Recently, lower axillary lymph node retrieval after neoadjuvant chemotherapy was reported. We did not have this experience, and retrospectively analyzed our axillary lymph node dissections (ALNDs).
There were no differences in the mean number of nodes retrieved between the neoadjuvant group and the primary surgery group: 16.3 (range 4-38) and 15.8 (range 6-33), respectively (P = .4); or in the retrieval of fewer than 10 lymph nodes: 13/191 (7%) and 11/192 (6%) (P = .7). The number of cases with retrieval of more than 20 lymph nodes was higher in the neoadjuvant group: 42/191 (22%) versus 26/192 (13%) (P = .03). In the neoadjuvant group, 150/191 (79%) patients had residual lymph node metastasis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
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