Ras interference as cancer therapy.


Activating point mutations of the small GTPase Ras are present in about 30% of all human tumors. Constitutively active Ras induces growth factor independent cell proliferation and cell survival. Oncogenic Ras appears to be essential for tumor progression and maintenance. Several therapeutic agents have been developed to inhibit Ras, such as FTIs and antisense oligonucleotides. A new tool for blocking oncogenes in cancer cells has emerged with the discovery that RNA interference can specifically silence expression of endogenous human genes. The therapeutic potential of a RNAi-mediating vector was recently demonstrated by the stable suppression of oncogenic K-Ras in tumor cells.

More about this publication

Seminars in cancer biology
  • Volume 13
  • Issue nr. 4
  • Pages 267-73
  • Publication date 01-08-2003

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