Imaging and quantitative analysis of integrin-dependent cell-matrix adhesions.


Integrin-dependent cell-extracellular matrix adhesion is essential for wound healing, embryonic development, immunity, and tissue organization. Here, we present a protocol for the imaging and quantitative analysis of integrin-dependent cell-matrix adhesions. We describe steps for cell culture; virus preparation; lentiviral transduction; imaging with widefield, confocal, and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy; and using a script for their quantitative analysis. We then detail procedures for analyzing adhesion dynamics by live-cell imaging and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Margadant et al. (2012),1 van der Bijl et al. (2020),2 Amado-Azevedo et al. (2021).3.

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STAR protocols
  • Volume 4
  • Issue nr. 3
  • Pages 102473
  • Publication date 15-09-2023

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