Impact of therapy and disease-related symptoms on health-related quality of life in patients with follicular lymphoma: results of the population-based PHAROS-registry.



Alertness for persistent symptoms that occur during and after treatment of FL patients is needed and may help to avoid lasting negative influence on their HRQoL.


Of the 181 patients who were invited, 148 responded (82%, T1). Patients treated with immunochemotherapy reported clinically relevant higher mean fatigue scores than those who underwent radiotherapy (P = 0.02). No differences were observed on the other HRQoL scales between treatment groups. Mean HRQoL scores were worse for FL patients treated with immunochemotherapy compared with a normative population (P < 0.01). A quarter to 50% of patients persistently reported to be slowed down, lethargic, or persistently worried about future health or was limited in social activities. Subsequently, patients reporting these symptoms/worries had a lower global health status/HRQoL.


The population-based Eindhoven Cancer Registry was used to select patients diagnosed with FL during 2004-2010. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) was completed twice, with a 1-yr interval. This questionnaire was also completed by an age- and sex-matched normative population (N = 580). Detailed data on treatment were extracted from the cancer registry and Population-based HAematological Registry for Observational Studies (PHAROS).


The increasing number of longer living patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) and serious side effects of treatment urged us to study the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and persistent (treatment-related) symptoms in unselected patients after different treatment modalities and compare HRQoL of patients with a normative population.

More about this publication

European journal of haematology
  • Volume 93
  • Issue nr. 3
  • Pages 229-38
  • Publication date 01-09-2014

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