An earlier presented 2D back-projection algorithm for the Unity MR-linac geometry was extended for 3D dose reconstruction and comparison against planned dose distributions. 'In-air' as well as in-vivo portal EPID images can be used as input. The method was validated using data from treatments of 5 patients (2 rectal, 2 prostate cancer and one oligo metastasis). 3D pre-treatment verification of the reference plan using 'in-air' EPID images was performed and compared against measured (with the Octavius 4D system) and planned (in the planning CT) dose distributions. In-vivo EPID dose distributions were compared to the TPS for the first three adaptations of all treatments. For all comparisons, dose difference values at the reference point and γ-parameters were reported.
3D dosimetric verification of online adaptive workflows is essential as their complexity is unprecedented in radiation oncology. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of back-projection portal dosimetry for 3D dosimetric verification of Unity MR-linac treatments.
3D dosimetric verification of Unity MR-linac treatments using portal dosimetry is feasible, pre-treatment as well as in-vivo.
The comparison against the OCTAVIUS 4D system (3%, 2 mm, local) showed y-mean = 0.52 ± 0.10 and y-passrate = 91.9%, 95% CI [85.4, 98.4], and ΔDRP = -0.1 ± 1.1%. Pre-treatment verification against TPS data (3%, 2 mm, global) showed y-mean = 0.52 ± 0.04, y-passrate = 93.5%, 95% CI [92.4, 94.6] and ΔDRP = -0.9 ± 1.5%. The averaged y-results for the in-vivo 3D verification were y-mean = 0.52 ± 0.05, y-passrate = 92.5%, 95% CI [90.2, 94.8] and ΔDRP = 0.8 ± 2.1%.
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