Remote continuous monitoring with wireless wearable sensors in clinical practice, nurses perspectives on factors affecting implementation: a qualitative study.



Data was collected on 27 CFIR constructs and 1 UTAUT construct. In the experience of at least 8 nurses, five constructs had a strong positive influence on implementation on the nursing ward, including relative advantage (e.g., early detection of deterioration), patient needs and resources (e.g. feeling safe), networks and communications (e.g. execute tasks together), personal attributes (e.g. experience with intervention), and implementation leaders (e.g., project leader). Five constructs had a strong negative influence: evidence strength and quality (e.g. lack of evidence from practical experience), complexity (e.g. number of process steps), design quality and packaging (e.g., bad sensor quality), compatibility (e.g, change in work) and facilitating conditions (e.g, Wi-Fi connection). Nurses expected continuous monitoring in the home setting to be hindered by compatibility with work processes and to be facilitated by staff's access to information. Technical facilitating conditions (e.g. interoperability) were suggested to be beneficial for further development.


Continuous monitoring using wireless wearable sensors is a promising solution for use in clinical practice and in the home setting. It is important to involve nurses to ensure successful implementation. This paper aims to provide an overview of 1) factors affecting implementation of continuous monitoring using wireless wearable sensors by evaluating nurses' experiences with its use on the nursing ward, and 2) nurses' expectations for use in the home setting.


This paper provides an overview, of factors influencing implementation of continuous monitoring including relative importance, based on nurses' experiences with use on nursing wards, and their perspectives for use in the home setting. Implementation of continuous monitoring is affected by a wide range of factors. This overview may be used as a guideline for future implementations.


Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 nurses from three teaching hospitals in the Netherlands, covering constructs from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). A deductive approach of directed content analysis was applied. One additional factor was added using the Unified Theory for Acceptance of Technology (UTAUT). The quotes and domains were rated on valence (positive, neutral, negative) and strength (strong: - 2, + 2, neutral 0, and weak: - 1, + 1).

More about this publication

BMC nursing
  • Volume 21
  • Issue nr. 1
  • Pages 53
  • Publication date 07-03-2022

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