Agnostic drug development revisited.


The advent of molecular profiling and the generalization of next generation sequencing in oncology has enabled the identification of patients who could benefit from targeted agents. Since the tumor-agnostic approval of pembrolizumab for patients with MSI-High tumors in 2017, different molecularly-guided therapeutics have been awarded approvals and progressively incorporated in the treatment landscape across multiple tumor types. As the number of tumor-agnostic targets considered druggable expands in the clinic, novel challenges will reshape the drug development field involving all the stakeholders in oncology. In this review, we provide an overview of current tumor-agnostic approvals and discuss promising candidate therapeutics for tumor-agnostic designation and challenges for their broad implementation.

More about this publication

Cancer treatment reviews
  • Volume 128
  • Pages 102747
  • Publication date 01-07-2024

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