Banner Publications MH200828 N141


Results found: 257

Showing results: 251 - 257

United European gastroenterology journal

CT texture analysis in colorectal liver metastases: A better way than size and volume measurements to assess response to chemotherapy?

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Automated and Semiautomated Segmentation of Rectal Tumor Volumes on Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Can It Replace Manual Volumetry?

Gynecologic oncology

Prediction of incomplete primary debulking surgery in patients with advanced ovarian cancer: An external validation study of three models using computed tomography.

Radiation oncology (London, England)

Consecutive magnetic resonance imaging during brachytherapy for cervical carcinoma: predictive value of volume measurements with respect to persistent disease and prognosis.


Diagnostic Performance of Dedicated Axillary T2- and Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging for Nodal Staging in Breast Cancer.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Functional MRI for radiotherapy dose painting.

International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics

Three-dimensional analysis of recurrence patterns in rectal cancer: the cranial border in hypofractionated preoperative radiotherapy can be lowered.


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