Stefanos Stamatis Achlatis
PhD student
Phone number Email Jan-Jakob SonkeI completed my BSc and MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens in 2021. During my studies, I worked on different projects and studied various subjects such as Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Information Theory. For my master's thesis, I studied Structured Pruning for Deep Learning Language Models. After my master's graduation, I worked on a European Space Agency project on the automatic detection and classification of lunar impact flashes.
From 2022 I am a Ph.D. candidate in the POP-AART lab, a collaboration between the Netherlands Cancer Institute, the University of Amsterdam, and Elekta. This collaboration focuses on the use of artificial intelligence for precision radiotherapy. The lab is supervised by Jan-Jakob Sonke and Efstratios Gavves. In my Ph.D. I will focus on using Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Radiotherapy Treatment.