I am an accomplished researcher with experience in autoimmune disease and preclinical immunology. I did my doctoral thesis at the CSIR-Institute of genomics and integrative biology, Delhi, India.
Later, I joined the laboratory of Prof. Chantal Mathieu at KU Leuven, Belgium as a postdoctoral fellow. I received a JDRF international postdoctoral grant for three years. Next, I did a Postdoc at the Leiden University medical centre (LUMC) with Dr. Arnaud Zaldumbide.
I joined the flow cytometer facility at NKI-AVL on 26th October 2022 as a flow cytometrist. Here, I am responsible for operating and keeping the different analyzers & cell sorters in optimal condition. Furthermore, I provide training courses for researchers of the NKI, design and execute experiments, and I assist them with analysis & data interpretation.