Michiel de Maaker
Phone number Email Marleen Kok Core Facility Molecular Pathology & BiobankingIn March 2017 I started as technician to work on the TONIC trial. This study investigates the effect and effectiveness of treatment with the new drug nivolumab (immunotherapy). The new drug is administered after a low dose of radiation or chemotherapy. I also continued my work with the Young Boost Trial.
The main objective of theYoung Boost trial is to compare the effect of a high boost dose (26 Gy) with a low boost dose (16 Gy) in breast conserving therapy, on the local recurrence rate.
Additional objectives are:
To test the genotypic and phenotypic profiles of breast tumors in young patients with invasive breast cancer, and its relation to:
a. Local recurrence after breast conserving treatment
b. Lymph node metastases
c. Distant metastases and survival
d. Radio sensitivity
e. Age