Marieke van Leeuwen
Postdoctoral fellow
Phone number Email Lonneke van de PollMy work focuses on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of cancer survivors. I have completed an international feasibility study of the HRQoL of long-term survivors of testicular and prostate cancer who were treated in the context of EORTC phase III clinical trials. In the next project, I have developed and evaluated an internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy program to alleviate treatment-induced menopausal symptoms in patients with breast cancer, "EVA-online". In 2019, we have evaluated the effectiveness of this intervention in a randomized controlled trial.
Since 2014, I am coordinating the development of an HRQoL questionnaire for disease free cancer survivors within the EORTC quality of life group. This group also finances the study. The project has resulted in a survivorship core questionnaire and three cancer site-specific survivorship modules for breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer. We are currently validating these questionnaires in a large-scale international field study.