545276 Brugmans (1)

Maaike Brugmans

physiotherapist/research assistant

Martijn Stuiver

Since May 2024, I joined Martijn Stuiver’s research group as a physiotherapist/research assistant, within the LION-RCT study. This study is a component of the larger PREFERABLE II project. This project aims to investigate the effectiveness of supervised live remote training for cancer survivors.

As a specialized sports physiotherapist, I have increasingly focused on cancer patients since 2012. For the past years, I’ve been working as a physiotherapist at a primary care practice. In this practice I was responsible for all oncological patient care, supporting patients through all phases of their illness, including during and after treatments.

Movement is essential to me; I believe in empowering individuals to enhance their quality of life, increase their participation, and boost their self-esteem through physical engagement. With a holistic approach, I aim to ignite awareness encompassing not only the physical but also the mental and emotional aspects. Both for the patient and for their loved ones. I have had the opportunity to work together with other healthcare professionals in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way, to make care for patients accessible, efficient and of high quality. The PREFERABLE project was a logical next step for me, as it enables high quality support for people, but close to their home.

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