Itske Fraterman
PhD student
Phone number Email Lonneke van de PollThe incidence of melanoma continues to rise. In recent years, the introduction of immunotherapy with immune checkpoint-inhibitors (ICIs) have significantly improved the outcome of melanoma patients and they have become standard of care. Collecting patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and HRQoL data is important for understanding the short-term and long-term impact of melanoma itself and the treatment with ICIs on quality of life outcomes in melanoma patients. During my PhD trajectory, in general, I will focus on PROs in melanoma patients treated with ICIs. This is however, captured in different projects, and introduced below.
My main project will be a Horizon2020 European Union funded project called “Cancer Patients Better Life Experience” (CAPABLE). A second study I will be coordinating is the “Patient Reported Outcomes in high risk and advanced MELanoma patients” (PRO-MEL) study. Lastly, a project I am involved in is the implementation of a standard set of PROMs in clinical practice in the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AvL) hospital.