Dinusha Veluponnar
PhD student
Email Theo Ruers“Sublata causa, tollitur effectus” - Removing the cause, removes the effect.
During medical school I was captivated by the skills of surgical oncologists performing complex operations, which enabled them to relieve the terrible suffering of countless oncologic patients. They had “an Eagle’s eye, a Lion’s heart and a Lady’s hand” (Dr. Thomas Fuller, 1654-1734, English physician). Over the last decades, extensive technical developments in the field of surgical oncology have contributed to the great improvement in health care for cancer patients. However, some important challenges remain, which we need to overcome to optimize oncologic treatments even further.
After my graduation in 2019 from Utrecht University, I joined the surgical oncology research department at the NKI, to contribute my efforts to research possible solutions to certain surgical oncologic challenges. My current research project concerns the use of optical spectroscopy to distinguish tumorous tissue from healthy tissue during breast conserving surgery. I have been privileged to work with fantastic colleagues from various disciplines who share a passion for medical technical research. Together we will strive for innovative techniques to improve the treatment of cancer patients.