Dick Sterenborg
Phone number Email Theo RuersDick (H.J.C.M.) Sterenborg received a M.Sc. in Applied Physics from the University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands in 1982 and he has been active in Biomedical Optics Research since then. From 1988 to 1998 he was a staff member of the Medical Laser Centre of the Academic medical Centre in Amsterdam. In 1998 he moved to the Erasmus Medical Center and (co)founded the Centre for Optical Diagnostics and Therapy and 2008 he was appointed Professor of Photodynamic Therapy at the Erasmus University. Since 2013 he is back in Amsterdam where he has a joint position at the department of Biomedical Engineering and Physics of the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam and the Surgical Innovations Group at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. His main focus of research is currently Elastic Scattering Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging.