Barbara Wollersheim
Postdoctoral Fellow
Phone number Email Lonneke van de PollIn January 2022, I started my postdoc in the group of Lonneke van de Poll. My research focus is on the development of (personalized) follow-up care models for patients treated with cancer. Currently, I am involved in two projects. One project focuses on the follow-up care of prostate cancer survivors. More specifically, we are conducting a randomized, controlled trial to evaluate whether primary care-based follow-up of localized prostate cancer survivors is as (cost-)effective as current specialist-based follow-up care (called the PROSPEC study). The results of this study are expected in 2023. The other project focuses on a mobile app to support, monitor and coach melanoma cancer patients treated with immunotherapy. This is a Horizon2020 European Union funded project called ‘’Cancer Patients Better Life Experience’’ (CAPABLE).