Anja van der Kolk
Phone number Email Regina Beets-TanI am an ambitious clinician-scientist who is passionate about combining clinical questions with technical solutions. Being both researcher and medical doctor, I have the unique position of ‘living in two worlds’: the research world in one hand and the clinical world in the other. In this way, I can develop new techniques that can fulfill clinical needs as well as being applicable in
real clinical practice. After obtaining my PhD on intracranial vessel wall MRI at ultrahigh field MRI (7 tesla) in 2014, I continued combining research with clinical duties, first as Radiology Resident and since August 2020 as (neuro)radiologist. I recently joined the NKI-AVL Radiology Department to continue my clinical work as well as set up my own research line on (ultrahigh field) MRI of brain cancer (including metastases).