The facility has several large collections of functional genomic and small compound libraries available for researchers to use in high throughput screens.
Functional genomic libraries include;
- Pooled genome wide CRISPR knockout collections
- Pooled genome wide CRISPi and CRISPRa collections
- Arrayed synthetic sgRNA/CRISPR collections for epigenetic modifiers and DNA damage response genes
- Mission TRC shRNA genome wide human and mouse collections (including customized class subsets)
- CCSB-Broad genome wide lentiviral ORF expression collection
- Dharmacon arrayed genome wide siRNA smartpools and deconvoluted sets
- Arrayed siRNA collections for subsets including kinome, GPCRs, epigenome etc.
Small molecule compound collections include;
- LOPAC library (a pharmacologically active compound set)
- Oncode drug repurposing library
- Anti-cancer targeted libraries (e.g. NCI oncology set)
- Signaling pathway and inhibitor collections (kinase, protease, GPCR, phosphatase, epigenetic).