Animal facility - Mouse cancer clinic

The MCCA preclinical intervention facility uses advanced mouse models as surrogate for cancer patients, to identify and validate targets that can be exploited by anti-cancer therapy. The main objective is to find and test novel anti-cancer treatments. Our cancer models include transgenic (spontaneous) mouse models, orthotopic transplantation models and human xenograft models developed/established at the NKI.

We also have state-of-the-art small animal imaging systems as well as an image-guided radiation therapy system to deliver local and precise radiation beams. 

The Pharmacology unit, with which we collaborate, performs preclinical pharmacology-pharmacokinetics studies to study if a compound reaches its target in pharmacologically meaningful quantities. The treatment and longitudinal follow-up of tumors is facilitated by a fully trained and dedicated team of technicians who perform surgeries and caliper measurements.

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