All new mouse strains are generated in a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) environment with full-service covering the design and all hands-on steps as DNA engineering, ESC manipulation, micro-injection or electroporation and screening of the offspring. The mouse genome is either modified in embryonic stem cells or directly in mouse zygotes. The methods to modify the mouse genome vary from classic homologous recombination using a targeting construct, to recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE), transposon systems or the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology.
Which route will be chosen depends on your project and will be decided after a consultation in which we will discuss your project extensively to determine the optimal mouse model for your research. Next a practical approach is devised to generate this mouse model with the highest chance of success. Once agreed by all parties, the AMF will perform all the individual development steps to generate the requested genetically modified mouse. The first- or second-generation mice, including a method for screening, are delivered to the customers who will do the breeding, validations and perform the actual experiments. We archive the newly validated mouse model by sperm freezing.
Our ESC clones are also archived, some are available through the EMMA repository. These include the well-known models of Anton Berns and Jos Jonkers.
Feel free to contact us at to request a consultation for the generation of a genetically engineered mouse model.