The main goal of the Flow Cytometry Facility is to provide high quality service to investigators of the NKI, who require the use of analytical flow cytometry as well as isolation of cells of interest.
The current analytical equipment offers NKI investigators the opportunity to perform relative quantification of protein expression in a wide range of applications and assays for cellular research. For these purposes, up to 31 fluorescent labels for markers can be used simultaneously.
Cells of interest can subsequently be isolated from the heterogeneous sample. The existing equipment allows for identification of cells with up to 18 fluorescent labels and collection of 1 to 6 different (live) cell populations simultaneously. Live cells can then be used for a multitude of post-isolation experiments, including in vitro and in vivo experiments, but also for applications that require protein, RNA, and DNA extraction.
The FCF offers 24-hour access to analytical equipment and cell sorters, after a short but thorough introductory course, or successful completion of a more extensive theoretical and hands-on training course followed by multiple sessions of assisted use respectively.
The FCF also serves as a base of knowledge, where the latest methods, scientific insights, and technological advances in the broad field of cytometry are gathered and redistributed. The central role of the FCF allows for the perfect position to share insights with regard to complementary or alternative strategies and methodologies, which may be better suited to answer particular research questions or isolate cells of interest.