All CFMPB activities are supported by an in house developed web application ‘Application and Request Tool’ (ART). ART is the online tool for e.g. study registration (human biospecimens IRBm and human data IRBd, or combi IRBdm and IRBb for biobanks), Institutional Review Board (IRB) review, lab logistics, track and trace of biospecimens and cost recovery ( All the user activities (histology & digital pathology, immunohistochemistry, molecular genetics) are stored in the ART database and by doing so, information about the applications, biospecimen identifiers, succeeding actions and derivatives accumulates and this enriches the data already available.
The CFMPB provides full service of FFPE sectioning, frozen sectioning, histochemical stains (HE’s), micro/macro dissection of tissue, design and construction of Tissue Micro Arrays (TMA) and slide digitization.
Our Glass slide printer (printing 2D barcode etc.) and our 3DHistec P1000 slide scanner are part of our digital slide logistics. The online platform Slide Score supports the complete organization of our digital slide logistics (intern and extern) like sharing, scoring, TMA grid manipulation and is linked with ART.
We have 2 cryostats for frozen sectioning. For minimal frozen tissue fragments such as needle biopsies, we use the 4FME method using the Presto Chill.
TMAs are constructed using the TMA GrandMaster. When (old) FFPE blocks don’t fit in the TMA GrandMaster, the CFMPB has the ability to construct manual TMAs.
For dissection of very small tumor areas and obtaining tissue as pure as possible, the CFMPB has a laser microdissection (LMD) system from Leica (LMD6500). But this process is very labor intensive. The stereo microscope is also used to obtain specific small tissue from slides when it is not possible to scratch it off without a microscope.
The CFMPB is staffed for two days a week with a highly experienced histological technician mainly for FFPE sectioning and three days a week with a very dedicated research pathologist for scoring a lot of slides.
Histology equipment list:
- Microtome (Thermo Scientific)
- Discussion microscope (Leica)
- Glass printer Tissue-Tek auto write (Sakura)
- Multistainer (ST5020, Leica)
- Coverslipping Instrument (Klinipath)
- P1000 3D Histec scanner Sysmex (see below)