We work together with scientists on bio-imaging projects and provide support for image acquisition and analysis using advanced microscopy and software tools.
- Setup, daily maintenance and regular quality checks of the microscopes
- Expert advice on experimental design and sample preparation
- Microscopy and image analysis training (workshops, courses and 1-to-1 introductions)
- Custom solutions for image processing and quantification
- Data storage and backup on a central server
- Small maintenance of microscopes in other departments
- Technical advice for grant applications and microscopy purchases
- Access to and assistance with advanced imaging techniques present elsewhere at the NKI, most notably advanced functional and super-resolution imaging techniques (FRET, FLIM, FCS, STORM/PALM, spectroscopy) at the Jalink lab, Multiphoton Intra vital Imaging at the van Rheenen lab, Single-molecule dynamics imaging at the Lenstra lab and high throughput/high content screening microscopy at the labs of Beijersbergen and Jalink.
- BioImaging Introduction Course: multiple times per year. Designed to give first time users/beginners an overview and theoretical background of basic microscopy techniques
- In the footsteps of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (5-day graduate school basic microscopy course)
- Basics ImageJ/Fiji course (Image processing & Analyses 2-day course)
We regularly (~annually) participate in FEBS- and EMBO-sponsored advanced (functional) imaging courses (organized via LCAM).