Cancer can cause a lot of stress, and not only about health. Many people face challenges and concerns about their financial situation as well. You may not be able to work as much (temporarily), or maybe your partner is no longer able to work as many hours because they have to care for you instead. You may worry about the costs of transportation to the hospital, or about affording the Own Risk/deductible for your medication, physical therapy, prosthetics, adjustments to and around your house, or about your insurance. Researchers at the Netherlands Cancer Institute are looking into this situation across multiple countries throughout Europe. Their research is supported by the Dutch Cancer Society, European cancer foundations, and the Organization of European Cancer Institutes (OECI).
The researchers would like to find out whether you experienced financial consequences of cancer, and if so, what kinds, and how this impacted your life through an anonymous questionnaire sent to people who have cancer or who have previously had cancer.
Anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, or who recently had cancer, can participate in this study. Participation is entirely anonymous.
→ Click here to participate.
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Completing the online questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes.
Research leader prof. Wim van Harten of the Netherlands Cancer Institute: “A cancer diagnosis and its subsequent treatment often have a strong impact on the financial situation of our patients. But there hasn’t been much thorough, large-scale research conducted on this topic in the Netherlands, nor in Europe.”
With the results of this study, the researchers hope to find out more about ways to improve the (after)care for cancer patients in terms of finances. The research has been approved by the Medical Ethics Review Committee and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Netherlands Cancer Institute.
If you have any questions about this study, please contact