Each year, Clarivate Analytics, an American company that offers services for scientific research, identifies the world’s most influential researchers ─ the select few who have been most frequently cited by their peers over the last decade. In 2022, more than 7,000, or about 0.1%, of the world's researchers, have earned this exclusive distinction.
Researchers Jos Beijnen, Christian Blank, John Haanen, Egbert Smit, and Ton Schumacher are amongst the top 1% most-cited in their respective fields over the past 10 years. John Haanen received the distinction of being cited in the field of clinical medicine, the others are recognized for being cited across multiple fields.
The Highly Cited Researchers’ names were drawn from the publications that rank in the top 1 percent by citations for field and publication year in the Web of Science citation index. Inclusion in the list is based on the number of citations, which is not necessarily an indicator of the quality of the work, but it is a good indicator of the impact of the research, and it does indicate that the work is used by other scientists.