"As a resident gynecologist, I love interacting with patients. I'm practical-minded: I want to do something and preferably see immediate results. So, the practical PhD trajectory I found was perfect for me. The goal was to make the HIPEC treatment available to ovarian cancer patients throughout the Netherlands. To achieve this, I collaborated with colleagues from nine other centers across the country, working from the Netherlands Cancer Institute. HIPEC involves flushing the abdominal cavity with a warm solution containing chemotherapy. It's a tough but effective treatment. However, we noticed that not all healthcare providers were performing it exactly the same way. That's why, right at the beginning of my PhD trajectory, I organized and moderated a large symposium for mutual learning. Through a Delphi consensus, we brought all those healthcare providers closer together on crucial aspects. In addition to online course material for practitioners, I created informational texts and video animations for patients. These can be found on kanker.nl. So, I not only had contact with dedicated colleagues but also with patients and their loved ones. I even got to know their grandchildren sometimes."
Ruby van Stein defends her dissertation on April 3rd.
This research was financially supported by KWF Dutch Cancer Society.
prof. dr. G.S. (Gabe) Sonke
dr. W.J. (Willemien) van Driel