The EurOPDX Consortium of translational and clinical researchers focuses on the use and evolution of patient-derived cancer xenograft models. Our group leader Jos Jonkers is on the EurOPDX board.
EURO-PDX: Sharing PDX models and harmonise characterisation and annotation
Instruct is a designated European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) that aims at promoting innovation in biomedical science by making high-end technologies and methods in structural biology available to users.
Instruct-ERIC: Making high-end structural biology tech available
The Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) is a non-governmental, non-profit legal Entity established in 1979 to promote greater cooperation among European Cancer Centres and Institutes. Our CFOO Jacqueline Stouthard is on the Board of OECI.

OECI: Promoting cooperation among cancer centers
Funded by Cancer Research UK and the Dutch Cancer Society, the Precision ‘Grand Challenge’ Team aims at sparing thousands of women unnecessary treatment by finding biomarkers to distinguish between people with DCIS who will develop breast cancer and those who will not.
Precision: Cancer grand team challenges.